Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 48 & 49

These post are from letters that Jason has mailed to me. Sometimes his writing is hard for me to read so bare with me if some of the terms aren't right. I hope that you enjoy as much as I do.

BCT Day 48 & 49
10-30 / 10-31

Seven weeks down and only two and a half left! I can't believe we are so close to graduation. It wasn't long ago that November seemed so far away., but now it's here. We only have 18 more days to go.
Saturday we went to the barber shop and troop store. I didn't really need anything from the troop store this time. I spend less that $10. Of course all the males got another hair cut. We'll still have to get one more on the Saturday before graduation They want us to be bald when our families first see us. Saturday afternoon we had some hand grenade training. We have to throw live grenades Monday, so they wanted us to learn the proper procedure before we have a live one in our hands. By the way, it's not like you see in the movies. You don't just pull the pin out with you teeth and lob it in the direction of your enemies.
Sunday was Halloween. I dressed up as a soldier. It must be a popular costume this year. Almost everyone I saw had the same costume. I did get some candy though. Our DS gave everyone one piece and a Kit Kat, mmm chocolate. We worked the extra calories from the candy off later though. We got hit with a surprise PT after lunch. We have our final PT test on Friday, so our DS's are trying to make sure we're ready. Part of the PT session was a 2 mile run on the track that our final PT test will be on. While we were there, another guy was out there running on his own. When we finished running, he wanted to talk to the officer Candidates in our company (there are 2 of us). It turns out he was a LT that hadn't been out of OSC very long. He wanted to give is advice and answer our questions about OCS. It was really cool to hear what he had to say. Basically, the main thing I came away with is that it's going to be much harder physically than BCT. He told us that they would run us to death at OSC. I'm glad that I have a few months to get better prepared for OSC.